The Revival of Philosemitism in Hungary*
Endre (Andre) MOZES
Beside sincere Holocaust remembrance and vigilance against Antisemitism
we should pay more attention to rich traditions and present potentials of
Hungarian Philosemitism; good coexistence, cooperation and friendships between Jews and non-Jews, as well
This website is the internet gateway of Philosemitism**, of Hungarian Philosemitism in particular, in the Hungarian language; of the revival of this word and concept of better coexistence between Hungarian non-Jews and Jews; of successful social and cultural cooperation there, in the past, present and future. (You are reading now this website’s comprehensive English page.)
This revival is not at all to cover up the Holocaust in Hungary. We don’t say that Philosemitism and friendly coexistence are always the ruling sentiments in Hungary. There are antisemitic cases too, from ugly comments on the net to those even in the Parliament sometimes.

What we do say is that, we should keep in mind and cultivate the better side of coexistence – we call Philosemitism – too, and maintain the right proportions.
Beside genuine Holocaust remembrance and due vigilance against Antisemitism, we should pay more attention to rich traditions and sincere potentials of Hungarian Philosemitism, of good coexistence, mutually useful cooperation and many friendships, as well. ‘We’ means non-Jewish and Jewish Hungarians alike.
After reviewing the diverse, sometimes contradictory former Hungarian definitions of Philosemitism, we redefined the word and are refilling it with positive and practical human content (see also our What is Philosemitism? title).
The leading achievement so far is the publication of Endre MOZES’ book: Ki szereti a zsidókat? A MAGYAR FILOSZEMITIZMUS (Who likes the Jews? Hungarian Philosemitism)*** and its vivid media coverage.
[ Important: A profoundly revised and “globalised” English version, THE NEW PHILOSEMITISM PARADIGM is ready and its international publication is in progress. Publication is scheduled in the first months of 2022. ]
There is some progress in the public view already. During the research work and after the publication of the book popular scientific conferences/ workshops were also held, and today the book’s 25 co-authors and dozens of media reviewers are also spreading our co-existential Philosemitism concept.
A Google search with the Hungarian word „filoszemitizmus” shows 2800 hits today; the very first item and 8 on the first page are related to our book. But still a long way to go until Philosemitism will be a household word in Hungary.
Our main objective at present is to further revive and nurture the concept of co-existential Philosemitism in Hungary, in everyday life and, most importantly, in public education.
We promote the idea that Holocaust should always be remembered and taught together – to some extent – with Philo-Semitism; facts and ideas of fair coexistence before, and life-saving efforts during the Holocaust. Jews – and entire countries – can be better understood this way, Holocaust remembrance and education will become more balanced, more human and easier to teach and to learn – for non-Jews and Jews alike.
We have ongoing discussions with the President of the Hungarian Jewry’s top organization, MAZSIHISZ, Andras Heisler, and

also with the State Secretariat responsible for Jewish affairs in the Prime Minister’ office. Good understandings have been reached, and we submitted formal Proposals in our project’s spirit, among others about introducing our New Co-existential Philosemitism concept into higher education in Hungary.
Recently we’ve started our European Philosemitism program: a series of similar projects and books in Europe; first in Poland and other East-Central European countries, where most of the Holocaust but also most of historic coexistence took place. These projects research and describe their countries’ philo past and present hopes for a better future. We are planning an international conference on the subject, around April 2017, in Budapest, Hungary.
This website – and its English partner – will be the Internet home of the International New Philosemitism Forum as well.